Scott Carney har skrevet to super bøger; What Doesn’t Kill Us, som var den første bog der sådan rigtigt introducerede Wim Hof og hans metoder til en bredere offentlighed og så The Enlightenment Trap...
A bit like sex and pizza - Tarantino is never really bad. Asccording to several reviews the movie is for better and worse. Talk, talk, talk, kill, talk, talk, talk, kill.... However, mostly talk in the first act and more kill in the second. You must prepare yourself for a chamber drama ala Death and the Maiden, where around 85-90% of the action takes place indoor and in two locations. This, in itself, this brings an intense atmosphere and a unique edge to the movie, and this in combination with him exploring the mystery/whodonnit genre for the first time. Moreover, the way it is shot brings a cool retro vibe and the music, by Ennio Morricone, almost makes it worth seeing the movie in itself. Summa-sum, this is not Tarantino's best movie, however, it ranks in th better half together with Pulp and Inglorius and nomatter - Tarantino just has to be watched!
Scott Carney har skrevet to super bøger; What Doesn’t Kill Us, som var den første bog der sådan rigtigt introducerede Wim Hof og hans metoder til en bredere offentlighed og så The Enlightenment Trap...
Efter et par ugers gennemlytninger må jeg bare sige, at for mig er Nick Caves nye album Wild God (fed titel i øvrigt) et masterpiece...
Hvem havde lige regnet med at Jim Carrey, der kom ud af bagdelen på et næsehorn i Ace Ventura, skulle gå hen og blive en af de større samtidstænkere og filosoffer?!